Meet Jen Baldwin, Genealogist and Family Historian

Official bio: Jen Baldwin has been working in the realm of professional genealogy since 2010 but has been pursuing her family history since she was ten years old, enjoying her grandmother's stories - and her cookies. She is currently the North American Acquisition & Evangelism and Global Ambassador Program Lead for Findmypast. Jen lectures, writes, and consults on a variety of genealogy related topics, and was part of the research team for Genealogy Roadshow, season two on PBS. She is the author of course materials for the National Institute of Genealogical Studies. She is excited to discover unique resources that allow for a different perspective in genealogical research.
You will find Jen as part of the Findmypast team as we bring you Findmypast From Home, via our Facebook page.
We absolutely love Colorado.
After 10 years of living in a variety of states around the western United States, our small family has settled in beautiful northern Colorado. Living in Washington, Montana, Utah, Arizona, and finally Colorado, I have been able to experience genealogical research in many locations and has developed a passion for the history of the American West. I have also researched across the midwest and New England, as well as in London, England.
Read about Jen from the perspective of Breckenridge resident, Erin Opsahl on her post from 13 Dec 2012, on the Breckenridge Chamber of Commerce blog, the Breck Connection.
You will find Jen as part of the Findmypast team as we bring you Findmypast From Home, via our Facebook page.
We absolutely love Colorado.
After 10 years of living in a variety of states around the western United States, our small family has settled in beautiful northern Colorado. Living in Washington, Montana, Utah, Arizona, and finally Colorado, I have been able to experience genealogical research in many locations and has developed a passion for the history of the American West. I have also researched across the midwest and New England, as well as in London, England.
Read about Jen from the perspective of Breckenridge resident, Erin Opsahl on her post from 13 Dec 2012, on the Breckenridge Chamber of Commerce blog, the Breck Connection.